Entrepreneuriale group 4¶
Project presentation¶
Hortense Paquet - Nicole Freeman - Kim Anh Bui - Celia Verbrugghe - Elora Nollet - Aurélien collet - Rebecca Trujillo - Esteban Santos - Louise Bon - Inès Ghesquières - Genesis Nooks - Susan Flick - Eliott Gaudin - Jules Debruères
Our idea was to respond to a specific need : help people charge their phones in situations where they can’t easily find outlets for their phones, and better yet to allow them to move while charging. Therefore, we decided to develop it in popular places where there are a lot of people in order to increase our chances to reach potential poor clients. For those reasons, we decided to develop our product in amusement parks and music festivals.

Since we are a German company we obviously wanted to develop it in Australia, but we wanted to be ambitious and try to enter the vast market of the Luxembourg. Indeed, this country would be a big market for us since there are a lot of popular music festivals and amusement parks.