


Marin Gérard


Projet pour Nicolas Bréard (laboratoire IMS)

Project for a PhD. The goal is to be able to analyse gases inside a box. The detailed project can be found here.

Robot Go West (light)

This is the robot go west project which wiki page is accessible here. My work for this project is described here.

Monik's bot

This is a project I work on with Thierry Bombardier for a pedagogic robot which will be controlled by a smartphone or a line of black dots. It will be able to draw, to stop fire...
See this project here.

Robot vacances

This project is based on the Monik's_bot but for students during holidays. The idea is that in 3 days, students could be able to assemble the robot, program a bit (C++) and make some electronics assembly. At the end of these 3 days, the students could take the robot with them to upgrade it at home.
This page is what was used for the project.